Consultores de Tecnología y Marketing Digital en El Salvador

Increases the possibility of attracting new customers and strengthening your business model.

Digital transformation goes beyond having a website and profiles on social networks, it has to do with developing new business models in which technology plays an important role, becoming an agent of change in organizational culture.

Currently, most companies still do not have a digital transformation strategy as a main part of their business model. This phenomenon has become more evident during the current economic-health crisis (COVID-19).

Increase the opportunity to attract new customers

Digital transformation requires companies with traditional business models to adopt new ways of relating to their customers and suppliers.

Social networks are a means to an end; the opportunity to attract new customers arises when there is a customer-centric culture.

Improve your company’s image and reputation

When talking about the company’s image, the vast majority bring to mind an attractive logo and colors that harmonize with the shapes and texts that compose it, although it is true that it is important and part of the company’s image.

Its complement is the perception and feedback from your customers and suppliers.

Strengthen your business model

To strengthen the business process, we invite you to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What need does your product/service solve?
  2. What are the motivations that lead a person to buy your product/service?

Then, ask your team and collaborators, compare them, and ask some of your main customers.

In the differences, lies the strength of your model.

Through experience leading digital transformation processes, we can guarantee the following benefits:

  1. Increase the opportunity to attract new customers.
  2. Improve the company’s image and reputation.
  3. Strengthen the business model.

Digital transformation processes will provide you with greater competitiveness and business agility.

We invite you to provide your products and services with experiences that captivate the user, and that offer unique experiences that allow you to have and enjoy more flexible, agile, open, transparent, innovative, creative, and human relationships.

“Technology is not as expensive as you think if you compare it to lost opportunities.”


Approximately 85% of messaging traffic between users browsing the Internet is derived from their mobile devices. Make sure your website is fully responsive and promote experiences to your customers through advergaming (games). This way you will be able to reach more and better customers.

Explore this idea:

When we talk about digital transformation, we also talk about the importance of analytical processes. One of the main axes to make your business strategy unbeatable is to implement Business Intelligence (BI) in the processes of your company. Once the culture of analysis is established, the number of strategists who will contribute ideas and projects for the benefit of your business will increase.

Elvis Castaneda

Digital Technology Consultant | Digital Project Manager | Consulting and Training | Gamification and Advergaming project design.

He has 16 years of experience in marketing, administration, and project management for the design and development of websites, custom web systems, mobile apps, advergaming, and gamification. Course facilitator and university professor, in subjects, focused on web design and development.

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